Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Was the American Revolution a social revolution Essay Example For Students

Was the American Revolution a social revolution? Essay ThesisThe American war for independence, unlike the French Revolution, did not destroy a titled aristocracy but did have a significant social impact on certain population groups. Among those changed socially by the revolution are the loyalists, women, African Americans and the native Americans. I. LoyalistsA-estimated 1/5 to 1/3 of the populationB-included Anglican clergymen, religious minorities, government officials, and some wealthy merchantsC-at wars end some loyalists property was seized by the patriots and many loyalists were forced to evacuate the coloniesD-result was a social leveling out of this groupII.WomenA-although they failed to attain the status of equality that the war was fought for these women including Abigail Adams challenged the female inequalityB-wives often followed troops or were even engaged in combat(rare)C-in the absence of men women were forced to take over many jobs that men would have ordinarily held such as a secretary or even work on the farmIII.African AmericansA-slaves and free alike came out of the revolution with almost nothing. The revolution was fought for freedom for all but slavery continued. We will write a custom essay on Was the American Revolution a social revolution? specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now B-About 5000 blacks served in the army and navy and were involved in every major battle. C-Fear of possible slave revolts inhibited use of blacks in southD-However they were gradually freed in the northern and middle statesIV. Native AmericansA-the protection that the British gave them with the proclamation line of 1763 ended with the revolution now white men were free to move in and take whatever they pleased.

Friday, April 17, 2020

Sample Argumentative Synthesis Essay on Capitalism and Nature

Sample Argumentative Synthesis Essay on Capitalism and NatureThe following sample argumentative sythesis essay on capitalism and natural environment was written by Mr. Robert Shilson. This paper is being given to all the Business Schools and Colleges around the US as an example of how one can write a business thesis or proof-reading sample, so that all the members of the class can see that writing a convincing argument is not only possible but can also be very profitable for them and their employers in the long run.I have read other arguments made by this author, and he did not sound like a communist, but some might say he wrote a few things that were similar to some of his other works. One of those is the following sample argumentative thesis on capitalism and natural environment.Capitalism was founded upon a capitalist culture, which is based on competition. In capitalism, there are rules that govern the way that the rules should be set up. Some of those rules may be implemented us ing force. Under capitalism, businesses do compete with each other for customers.On the other hand, there are some environmentalists who argue that there is no proof that we have an overpopulation of the planet, and that the environment is no longer healthy for the humans and animals living in it. Capitalism does not make humans into a one-sided society where humans can no longer control their own actions but allow each human to make mistakes. In capitalism, people make their own mistakes.It's important to note that these things have to do with two different concepts - namely, what we can control, and what we cannot control. We can do things to our environment that will be good for us or can be bad for us. But that does not mean that we can control the weather in any way we want. The choice is left to each of us.Another thing that you may find in some science fiction stories is that the humans are so interested in saving the environment that they have overpopulated the Earth to the point where the human population has outpaced nature. It is said that the environmental movement was started by these people. If that is true, they did not really understand what they were saying, or they knew too much about the power of capitalism to really help. In fact, the primary argument is that capitalism is the answer to environmental problems because, capitalism is not based on man-made pollution.Under capitalism, the environment has been considered and is looked upon as part of the overall balance of Nature. That is, nature provides both physical and emotional conditions for us and our ability to survive. Capitalism is also said to be the best system ever invented for managing a natural resource, whether that be air water, or land.It is said that both communism and capitalism should be discarded because they are both driven by a singular point of view that does not allow for different points of view, in fact, both of them force people to think in the same way, which makes them produce the same results, just in different ways. I would suggest that either we need to look at capitalism in a different light, or we need to go back to nature and look at capitalism from a new perspective. I hope that this sample argumentative thesis on capitalism and nature gets across and that this can be used as a useful tool in the business world.